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Annual Trevor World Series of Poker

For the 12th and last time, Howie Rubin & Mary Henry are opening the doors of their Upper East Side "Casino" to benefit Trevor!  Texas Hold ‘em is the game, and Vegas-style fun will entertain.
All levels of player are welcome. In fact, we even have a beginner table for those of you who want to learn the game before joining the main tournament and a chance to make it to the final table and the prizes!
Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 5:57PM
The home of Howie Rubin & Mary Henry, 120 East End Avenue at 85th Street.
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Poker Spectators who want to eat, drink and cheer! $0.00

Poker Beginners $0.00

Poker Expert- Participate for bragging rights and big prizes! $0.00